Mom Asks Little Johnny How His Day At School Went.

Little Johnny, 6 years old, gets home from school. He had his first family planning lesson at school. His mother, is very interested & she asks “…How did it go?” “I died of shame”…he answers! Annie from over the road, says that the stork brings babies. Sally next door said you can buy babies at the orphanage. Timm…

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82 year old Ernie is on his death bed

82 year old Ernie is on his death bed with his wife Doris by his side: He says, 'Dear Doris, when we were first courting in our prime at 22, I slipped off my roller skates and broke my collar bone. And Doris, you were there by my side to comfort me. Doris, when we went out for our anniversary meal at the age of 32…

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Note On Fridge

Found on the Refrigerator One Morning : My Dear Wife, You will surely understand that I have certain needs that you, being 57 years old, can no longer satisfy. I am very happy with you and I value you as a good wife. Therefore, after reading this letter, I hope that you will not wrongly interpret the fact that I will …

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A London lawyer runs a stop sign and gets pulled over by an Irish Garda.

A London lawyer runs a stop sign and gets pulled over by an Irish Garda. He thinks that he is smarter than the cop because he is a lawyer, from London , and is certain that he has a better education than any paddy cop. He decides to prove this to himself and have some fun at the Garda's expense..!! Irish Garda say…

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